New York Car Accident Lawyers

The New York car accident lawyers at Stanley Law Offices help victims and their families seek justice after auto accidents that result in serious injury or disability.

The New York car accident lawyers at Stanley Law Offices help victims and their families seek justice after auto accidents that result in serious injury or disability. If you or someone you love was seriously injured in a car accident, you and your family might be entitled to receive money to cover your medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other losses. Yet, you may only have a limited time to make a claim under the law. The New York car accident lawyers at Stanley Law Offices can review your case, estimate the value of your claim, negotiate with car insurance companies, and fight either inside or outside of court to help you get the car accident settlement you deserve.

According to the New York State Department of Health, 1098 people on average die each year in auto accidents in New York State. On average, 12,093 people are hospitalized each year due to motor vehicle accidents. According to a Centers for Disease Control Report, the average cost of an emergency department visit for a car accident was $3,362 and the average cost of a car accident hospitalization was $56,764. For many families, this might represent their yearly income or a significant proportion of their yearly income. If you or someone you love was hurt in a car accident and had to be hospitalized, you and your family might be facing unexpected medical bills, a long course of rehabilitation, and lifestyle or family changes due to a loved one’s unexpected disability. The New York car accident lawyers at Stanley Law Offices are here to help you and your family. We can review your expenses, fight negligent parties to help you get a settlement, negotiate with insurance companies, and help you and your family get the settlement you deserve under the law.

Common Accident Causes and Injuries in New York State

Car accidents can leave victims with serious injuries. These injuries can result in temporary or permanent disability and high medical costs. Some injuries associated with New York car accidents include:

  • Spinal Cord Injuries
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries
  • Internal Bleeding
  • Internal Injuries
  • Back or Neck Injuries
  • Fractures
  • Whiplash
  • Facial Trauma
  • Amputation
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Road Rash
  • And More

There are also many factors that can result in a car crash. What are some common causes of car accidents in New York? Here are a few:

  • Distracted Driving
  • Drunk Driving
  • Speeding
  • Weather Conditions
  • Reckless Driving
  • Vehicle Defects
  • Issues with the Road, Construction, or Road Design Defects
  • Unsafe Lane Changes
  • Tailgating (Following too Closely)
  • Driver Error
  • Driver Fatigue
  • Improper Turns
  • Driver Inexperience
  • Driver Error

According to a New York State Department of Health report people in car crashes who weren’t wearing their seatbelts were three times as likely to suffer a traumatic brain injury than people who were wearing their seatbelts. Individuals involved in alcohol and speed-related car accidents were also more likely to suffer traumatic brain injury in a car accident.

If your car accident injury was serious or life-threatening, you might be facing a range of new challenges and may be wondering how you’ll pay for medical and rehabilitation expenses. Some people are unable to return to work or end up out of work for days or weeks or months. If you have suffered losses because of another person or driver’s negligent actions on the road, you and your family might have the right to seek compensation for your losses. Reach out to the New York car accident lawyers at Stanley Law Offices to learn more.

Traumatic Brain Injury and New York Car Crashes

Traumatic brain injuries are often associated with car accidents. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, TBI or traumatic brain injury is one of the leading causes of disability and death in adults. Victims who suffer these injuries may not always be aware that these serious injuries have taken place because they often present as “closed brain injuries.” This means that a person can suffer a serious TBI injury without anything penetrating their skull or without any broken bones. On the outside, the person looks completely fine, while inside, their brain has become seriously injured. If there’s a bleed inside the brain, pressure can increase inside the skull, leaving the brain swollen, but with nowhere to go, causing brain injury. Shaking injuries can also jostle the brain, leading to injury, and putting a person at risk of CTE, especially if the person has suffered other similar brain injuries in the past.

Individuals who suffer TBI can experience a wide range of symptoms including:

  • Coma
  • Confusion
  • Cognitive Changes
  • Memory Problems
  • Problems with Thinking (attention span, problem-solving, judgment)
  • Paralysis
  • Balance Issues
  • Poor Coordination
  • Changes in Sensory Perception (sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch)
  • Loss of Sensation
  • Vision Issues
  • Problems Speaking
  • Difficulty Reading
  • Difficulty in Daily Living
  • Social Issues
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Sleep Issues
  • Emotional Disturbances (depression and anxiety, and other conditions)

These conditions can seriously impact a person’s quality of life and ability to function in daily life. If you or someone you love has been in a serious car accident, it is important to seek medical attention right away, because sometimes TBI injuries aren’t always immediately apparent, and immediate treatment can sometimes help prevent the condition from worsening. If you or someone you love suffered a TBI in a car accident due to another driver’s neglect or negligence, you and your family might be entitled to receive compensation for your losses. Reach out to the car accident lawyers in New York at Stanley Law Offices today.

Contact Our New York Auto Accident Lawyers Today 

filing an accident claim against the state of nyIn 2014, 92,039 people visited the ER, 7,184 people were hospitalized, and another 1,026 were killed in auto accidents. Many of these accidents could have been prevented had drivers not chosen to speed, drink, text and drive, or had they followed the rules of the road. When drivers make mistakes behind the wheel or act negligently, they could be held responsible for losses that victims and families suffer in accidents. These losses can be immense, especially when a person suffers a serious injury like paralysis or TBI. If you and your family are struggling in the aftermath of a disabling auto accident injury, the New York auto accident attorneys at Stanley Law Offices may be able to help you.

Our New York auto accident lawyers can evaluate your insurance policy and the other driver’s policy and negotiate with insurance companies to help you get the best possible settlement permitted under the law. Some of the auto accident attorneys in New York at Stanley Law Offices have also worked in the insurance industry. We understand how insurance companies work and can take steps to provide evidence, read the fine print, and negotiate the best possible settlement for your case. Reach out to the Stanley Law Offices, New York car accident lawyers today.