Get the Best Car Crash Lawyers

On Your Side!

You’ve been seriously injured in a car crash? At Stanley Law Offices, using the Stanley SMART System, our experienced car accident attorneys win MAXIMUM Awards for thousands of injured victims who’ve been hurt in all types of motor vehicle accidents. The Team at Stanley Law is there for you. Don’t go it alone. Phone 1-800-608-3333.

When you’re badly injured in a car wreck, your world gets turned upside down. Our nice but tough legal team understands the grave physical, emotional, and financial toll that an injury or the loss of a loved one can take on you and your family. You can’t go this alone. We’re committed to protecting your rights and have a proven track record of success in winning MAXIMUM Awards to cover medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages.

Protect Yourself Before An Accident Happens

Although most drivers on the road carry liability insurance, they’re often underinsured. It may seem appealing to go for the lowest premium possible when purchasing insurance, but it’s vital to make sure you have adequate uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage on your policy. The additional cost is minimal and is well worth it. Often, when someone’s injured by a negligent driver, they’re underinsured. That means their policy barely covers your medical expenses, let alone other damages. As Joe Stanley says, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Be smart with your insurance, because you never know what’s just around the corner.” Our car accident attorneys also recommend equipping your vehicle with a first aid kit, a fire extinguisher, warning light, hazard triangle, or two flares.

What To Do After A Motor Vehicle Accident

  1. If you’re in a car accident, the first thing to do is call 911 and seek medical attention immediately. Place flares or warning lights to alert traffic, then check on all potentially injured parties and help stabilize them to the best of your ability until help arrives.
  2. Take photos and video of the scene, your injuries, and the damage to vehicles. Collect driver’s license information, contact information, and insurance information from all involved drivers, and jot down everything you can remember about how the crash happened.
  3. If you have a voice recorder on your phone, it’s a great way to document the accident and record comments made by involved parties and witnesses. If possible, get a copy of the police report before you leave the scene. This valuable piece of evidence may be used by your car accident attorney to back up the facts of a personal injury claim down the road.
  4. Do not make any statements to or sign anything from an insurance company representative without talking to your car accident lawyer first. While it may seem like insurance companies want to help, they prefer to offer minimal settlements or may even deny your claim altogether.

That’s why it’s essential to seek the counsel of a car accident attorney who’s well-versed in negotiating with insurance companies to ensure you receive the money you deserve for your damages.

Determining Liability In Motor Vehicle Accidents

Determining liability for a car crash or injury can be complex and often rests on proving whether someone was careless or negligent. Our seasoned legal team understands the elements involved in proving negligence. We carefully assess your case and advise you on the best course of action to protect your rights.

It’s important to seek legal counsel right away. With 90 years of combined experience, our tenacious car accident lawyers leave no stone unturned and help you pursue all avenues of compensation. You can count on us to be by your side throughout the process. We take the weight off your shoulders so you and your family can focus on healing.

Common Motor Vehicle Injuries & Available Damages

Head and Brain Injuries

Car accidents are one of the leading causes of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). In a car accident, the victim’s brain is exposed to a tremendous amount of force. Even if the victim does not strike his or her head on the steering wheel or windshield, a traumatic brain injury can still occur. When a person’s head snaps forward and backward quickly, the brain can crash into the skull, causing bruising or bleeding resulting in a brain injury. In other cases, debris from the car accident will pierce a person’s head, causing a brain injury.

Neck and Spine Injuries

Neck and spine injuries are also common in serious car accidents. The force of a car accident can cause damage to the nerves surrounding the spinal cord, a herniated disc, or a complete severing of the spinal cord. Serious damage to a person’s spinal cord can result in partial or complete paralysis below the area of the spine that becomes injured. Many neck and spinal cord injury victims require ongoing medical care, and some need to live in an assisted living facility for the rest of their lives.

Broken and Shattered Bones

Car accidents can cause a wide variety of broken bones and sprained ligaments. Broken ankles, wrists, arms, ribs, and legs are all common in car accidents. Some car accident victims may even suffer a fractured hip or pelvis, which can be challenging to heal and require significant physical therapy. Broken bones range in seriousness from simple brakes to compound fractures that may require multiple surgeries to repair.

Scarring and Disfigurement

The broken glass and debris involved in a car accident can cause serious facial injuries. Shattered glass can cut and scar a person’s face, or their face could be injured by colliding with the steering wheel, dashboard, airbag, or windshield. Facial injuries can result in nerve damage and require surgical correction. Car accident victims may need to endure painful and noticeable facial scarring.

Psychological Injuries

In addition to physical injuries, car accidents can also leave victims with lasting psychological injuries. Not all car accident injuries are physical nature. Victims may suffer from emotional and mental distress due to a serious car accident. Some car accident victims develop post-traumatic stress disorder, which requires ongoing medical care. Things that used to be easy for car accident victims could become difficult or even impossible.

Damages Available in New York Car Accident Cases

If you’ve suffered a severe injury in a New York car accident, you may be entitled to financial compensation for injuries. Under New York law, car accident victims have a right to bring a personal injury lawsuit against the person or people responsible for the car accident. As the plaintiff in a personal injury lawsuit, you can request compensation for the economic and non-economic damages you have incurred due to your injuries.

Compensatory Damages

New York courts allow successful plaintiffs to recover compensatory and punitive damages. Compensatory damages are available to compensate victims for past and future economic losses. Successful plaintiffs can recover compensatory damages for their past and future medical expenses.

Recovering Compensation for Your Medical Expenses

Be sure to keep records of all of the medical costs related to your car accident. You can recover compensation for your doctor’s visits, treatments, surgeries, prescriptions, hospital stays, and durable medical equipment. At Stanley Law Offices, we work with a team of experts to accurately calculate future medical costs related to your car accident injuries. If your car accident injuries require long-term care, we can help you obtain the full amount of compensation you deserve to provide for yourself and your family and the future.

Compensatory damages also include compensation for becoming permanently disabled. Some New York courts have even held that the plaintiff can recover compensation for permanent disability is objectively defined by doctors and disabilities that the plaintiff perceives subjectively. In some cases, courts will award special damages for other types of monetary losses. You will need to prove that you suffered additional financial losses due to the car accident that caused your injuries.

Recovering Compensation for Your Lost Wages

Many of our clients cannot return to work due to the serious personal injuries they have experienced in a car accident. We advise our clients to keep a detailed record of the time they have had to take off work and any missed career opportunities. As a plaintiff, you can request compensation for the money you would have earned had the car accident not occurred. We will help you calculate your past, present, and future lost wages.

Punitive Damages

On the other hand, punitive damages are only awarded in egregious cases to punish the defendant for his or her extreme lack of care. Courts require descendants who acted egregiously to pay punitive damages as a way to deter recidivism. Punitive damages are available when the defendant used excessive speed, was driving while intoxicated, or engaging in other types of reckless or intentionally dangerous behavior.

Compensation for Pain and Suffering and Loss of Consortium

Car accident victims who suffered severe injuries often experience significant pain and suffering. Courts will award damages based on how severe your injury is and how long your injury’s effects are projected to last. We can help you provide the court with expert medical testimony about how your injuries will continue to cause pain and suffering in the future. We advocate for our clients to recover compensation for all of the emotional, physical, and psychological damage they have experienced from the car accident.

Successful plaintiffs can also obtain compensation for the loss of enjoyment of life. Whether you are a parent who can no longer play with your children outside, or you are a biker or jogger who can no longer engage in exercise, we can help you obtain compensation for the loss of your daily enjoyment. The court’s goal in personal injury lawsuits is to attempt to place the plaintiff in the position he or she was before the car accident.

Call Your Car Accident Attorneys Today!

If you’ve been in a car crash, our legal team is ready to help. Call Stanley Law Offices today for a free and confidential consultation.

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