New York Social Security Lawyers

The New York Social Security lawyers at Stanley Law Offices can help individuals appeal denied Social Security disability claims.

According to New York State’s Social Security Disability Benefits website, individuals can be found eligible for Social Security disability benefits if:

  • They can no longer work because of a medical condition or disability
  • They can no longer perform other jobs due to their disability or medical condition
  • They have been disabled for one year, or the disability is expected to last for one year or result in death.

If you paid into the system long enough, you may be also entitled to receive Social Security Income benefits and Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits.

Social Security Disability Benefits include monthly payments to individuals who are disabled. The amount of your benefits will depend on your previous income and earnings as calculated by Social Security. You may also be entitled to receive Supplemental Security Income based on financial need.

What many people may not realize is that they have the right to appeal a denied Social Security Disability benefit or denied Supplemental Security Income claim. The Social Security lawyers in New York at Stanley Law Offices can review your initial claim, see if there is missing information or additional information you can provide to support your claim and pursue multiple avenues to appeal your denied Social Security Disability benefits claim.

How a Social Security Disability Insurance Lawyer Can Help You Appeal a Denied Claim

According to the Social Security Administration, there are four stages to the appeals process. The SSDI lawyers in New York at Stanley Law Offices can help you navigate the various levels of the Social Security appeals process. Sometimes Social Security Disability Insurance Claims are denied simply because a person didn’t initially submit enough evidence to support the claim. A New York SSDI lawyer can review your initial claim and see if simply submitting additional paperwork and evidence can support your claim. Here are the four levels to the SSDI appeals process:

  • At this stage of the appeals process, individuals who want to appeal a denied SSDI claim can submit a form along with additional information to the Social Security Administration. At this stage, a new evaluator will look at the claim along with the additional information. When your initial SSDI claim is denied, your New York SSDI lawyer can look at the reasons why your initial claim might have been denied and can build a case during reconsideration by submitting additional medical records, helping you undergo additional required testing, or taking other steps to support your claim.
  • You can also request a hearing of your case to be overseen by an administrative law judge. The hearing allows you to make your case in person, by telephone, or through video. You have 60 days to request a hearing after you receive a denial or SSDI determination. If you choose to pursue the hearing process, you’ll need to submit evidence to support your case before the hearing so the judge can review it. During a hearing, you may be able to bring witnesses to testify about your medical condition or bring in other experts to testify about your condition.
  • Review by the Appeals Council. If your SSDI claim is denied in the hearing, you have the right to appeal to the Appeals Council. Your New York SSDI lawyer can review the hearing determination to see why your SSDI claim was denied, and present evidence refuting this denial at this stage of your appeal. It is up to the appeals council to decide to hear your case. A New York SSDI lawyer can work with you to make the strongest case at this stage to try to get the Appeals Council to grant you an appeal. Sometimes cases are returned to the administrative law judge for further review or action at this point.
  • Federal Court Review. If you disagree with the actions taken by the lower courts, you can take your case to federal court.

Navigating the SSDI appeals process can be complicated. Deadlines must be met, and evidence must be submitted in a timely manner. Some individuals choose to work with a New York SSDI lawyer to help them navigate the SSDI appeals process. If you believe your SSDI claim was wrongfully denied, reach out to the New York SSDI lawyers at Stanley Law Offices today to learn more about your rights and options. You only have 60 days to appeal a denied claim. It is important to act fast.

New York Disability Lawyers

If you are thinking of contacting a New York disability lawyer, you might be wondering if your condition qualifies as a disability. The Social Security Administration only pays benefits to people who qualify as totally disabled. If you are only partially disabled, you won’t qualify. To qualify for SSDI benefits, the Social Security Administration will look at several factors and ask several questions. These factors and questions include:

  • If you are working and can make more than $1550 a month (or more than $2590 if you are blind), you won’t be classified as having a disability.
  • Your medical condition or disability must limit your ability to lift, stand, walk, sit, or remember for at least 12 months.
  • Your disability or medical condition must be severe enough to be considered a disability. The Social Security Administration has a list of medical conditions that qualify. Under each medical condition, there are additional conditions within each diagnosis that must be met to qualify a condition as a disability. Having a medical condition on the list won’t automatically qualify you for disability, but rather, you’ll need to show that the condition is severe enough to qualify as a disability.
  • The Social Security Administration will see if there’s other work you may be able to do with your disability. If there is other work you can perform, you may not qualify for SSDI.

It can be difficult to navigate the SSDI requirements and to know whether your condition qualifies you for disability benefits. If you have questions about your rights regarding SSDI, reach out to the New York disability lawyers at Stanley Law Offices today. We can review your situation and help you understand your rights.

SSDI Benefits Denied Lawyers in New York

If your SSDI benefits have been denied, you have 60 days to appeal the denial. Time is of the essence. Proving that your condition is sufficiently severe to warrant SSDI can sometimes be difficult. Many claims are denied upon first application and then later get approved through the appeals process when individuals submit additional documentation and evidence.

What are some medical conditions that can result in SSDI qualification? Here are some medical conditions listed by the Social Security Administration as qualifying impairments for adults. They include:

  • Musculoskeletal Disorders
  • Respiratory Disorders
  • Cardiovascular Disorders
  • Digestive Disorders
  • Genitourinary Disorders
  • Endocrine Disorders
  • Skin Disorders
  • Neurological Disorders
  • Mental Disorders
  • Cancer
  • And Immune System Disorders

For example, musculoskeletal disorders can include amputations, but generally, a double amputation of both upper extremities above the wrist would result in a disability determination. Asthma is a qualifying respiratory disorder, but individuals must meet certain forced expiratory volume requirements to qualify as being disabled. Chronic heart failure could be classified as a disability if a person meets certain criteria. For each of the general disorders listed under each category, the Social Security Administration offers guidelines for severity that qualify a disorder as severe enough to warrant disability. If you have questions about whether your condition qualifies, or if your SSDI claim was denied, the SSDI benefits denied lawyers in New York State at Stanley Law Offices may be able to help you appeal your denied case. We can review your medical records, diagnosis, and the reasoning for why your claim was denied.

Contact the SSDI Claims Lawyers in New York Today

filing an accident claim against the state of nyIf you have recently become disabled and unable to work either due to a medical condition or injury, you may qualify for SSDI benefits. The SSDI claims lawyers in New York at Stanley Law Offices may be able to help you if your SSDI claim has been denied. Many people who qualify for SSDI never apply, and some people give up after their application is denied, not realizing that a simple mistake might have resulted in their denial. Sometimes something as simple as failing to provide sufficient documentation can result in a denial. Every year, many SSDI claims get denied. Unfortunately, individuals often must appeal to get their SSDI claims approved. The SSDI claims attorneys in New York at Stanley Law Offices are here to help you and your family with the appeals process. We can review your situation and offer an honest assessment of your claim, and help you with the appeal if we think you qualify.

If you have been denied Social Security Disability benefits or denied a Supplemental Security Income claim call our New York Security lawyers at 800-608-3333 today.