Rochester Bus Accident Lawyers

If you or someone you love has been seriously injured in a bus accident, you may only have a limited time to seek damages under the law. The Rochester, New York bus accident lawyers may be able to help. Contact the bus accident lawyers in Rochester, New York at Stanley Law Offices today.

The bus accident lawyers in Rochester, New York at Stanley Law Offices help those who have been hurt while riding a bus and those who have been involved in automobile accidents involving buses. In 2020 alone, 13,268 people were injured in bus accidents in the United States. In New York, there were 1,463 bus accidents, 16 of which were fatal, and 1,118 of which involved serious injury. Rochester’s Regional Transportation Service, RTS, provides transportation to 17 million customers annually. This includes transportation services to students at the University of Rochester. While school bus transportation is one of the safest ways for children to get to school, recent reports indicate that school bus transportation isn’t without incident. Between 2020 and 2023 there were 48 incidents on school buses, some of which were determined to involve student safety. According to Rochester First, Rochester school buses don’t have a formal process for monitoring and disciplining drivers and students. These gaps in safety and discipline can lead to injuries and other incidents. In addition to public transportation, every year travelers ride in private buses, and tour buses, and use other bus transportation services. When accidents happen, bus companies, bus drivers, and other responsible parties could be held accountable.

The bus accident lawyers in Rochester, New York at Stanley Law Offices may be able to help you, and your family, seek compensation after a bus accident. Our bus accident attorneys in Rochester can review the details of your claim, estimate the value of your claim, and fight to hold responsible parties accountable. Contact our Rochester, New York bus accident lawyers at Stanley Law Offices today.

How Can a Bus Accident Lawyer Help Me with My Bus Accident Claim?

A bus accident lawyer in Rochester, New York like the attorneys at the Stanley Law Offices can help you with your bus accident claim. Buses often involve either commercial vehicles or public transportation vehicles. These types of claims can sometimes be more complicated than typical auto accident claims. Here are some ways that a bus accident lawyer at Stanley Law Offices in Rochester, New York can help you with your bus accident claim:

  • Determining Fault. To make a personal injury claim following a bus accident, victims and their families must show that the bus driver, bus company, or other party was liable for the accident. This may not always be a straightforward process, because sometimes bus drivers or companies might try to shift blame onto other parties or point fingers. A Rochester, New York bus accident lawyer at Stanley Law Offices can review the details of your case, review police reports, review camera evidence (if available), speak to witnesses, and investigate your accident to identify negligent parties. Other parties that can be responsible for your accident in a bus accident can include the bus company, maintenance personnel, and even the bus manufacturer if defects result in your bus accident. Drivers alone may not be the only party at fault after a bus accident.
  • Pursuing Claims Against the State. If you were injured while riding RTS or if your child was injured while riding a school bus, the state might be liable for your injuries and losses. Under normal circumstances, state employees are protected from personal injury claims under the principle of sovereign immunity, which protects the state from lawsuits by the public. New York, however, waives its sovereign immunity. According to the New York Bar, victims or the lawyers representing them must follow strict procedures and guidelines when pursuing a sovereign immunity claim against the state. In addition to New York’s statute of limitations which places a deadline on the latest date you can file a claim, you may only have a very limited time to file a Notice of Claim with the state. Under normal circumstances, you may have only 90 days to file a Notice of Claim. Because the time limits may be strictly limited in bus accidents involving school buses and public transportation, it is very important that victims and their families seek a bus accident lawyer in Rochester, New York as soon as possible to begin the claim filing process.
  • Estimating the Value of Your Claim. When filing a notice of claim or when negotiating with bus insurance companies, it is important to understand what your claim is worth. While it is easy to look at your medical bills and see your losses, bus accident claims might involve other losses as well. For example, you and your loved ones may be entitled to seek damages for future medical expenses and future rehabilitation costs related to your bus accident injuries. If you or someone you love was seriously injured or disabled in a bus accident and can no longer work or if you or someone you love has missed time from work, you may be able to seek compensation for lost wages and future lost wages due to disability. You and your family may also even be entitled to pain and suffering damages. Commercial bus carriers often hold high-limit insurance policies, and in the aftermath of an accident, insurance companies might initially offer families settlements that might appear significant. Families might accept these settlements, not realizing that they might have been entitled to receive more. If you or a loved one was hurt in a bus accident, the bus accident attorneys in Rochester, New York at Stanley Law Offices can review your case and help you estimate the value of your claim.
  • Negotiate with Insurance Companies and Other Stakeholders. Bus accident claims can be more complex than typical auto accident claims because of highly limited insurance policies and multiple stakeholders might be involved. For example, if you were hurt while riding in a private bus or tour bus, the company might be liable for your injuries. Sometimes multiple people are injured in these accidents, and insurance coverage isn’t sufficient to cover all passenger injuries. In this case, your lawyer could turn to the company itself for damages and losses. Part of helping families seek the best possible settlement for bus accident claims involves properly identifying all stakeholders and persons or companies responsible for the accident.
  • Taking Your Case to Court. Many bus accident claims can be settled outside of court through negotiation. But when settlements cannot be negotiated, you need a bus accident lawyer who can fight for your case in court. The bus accident lawyers in Rochester, New York at Stanley Law Offices are not afraid to fight your case in court.

These are just some of the ways a bus accident lawyer in Rochester, New York can help you with your bus accident case. If you’ve been hurt in a bus accident, you may only have a limited time to make a claim under the law. Reach out to the bus accident lawyers in Rochester, New York at Stanley Law Offices today.

What are Some Injuries Caused by Bus Accidents in Rochester, New York?

Bus accidents can leave victims with serious injuries and disabilities. Some of these injuries can leave victims missing time from work, thus resulting in lost income. What are some serious bus accident injuries?

  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Spinal Cord Injury
  • Fractures
  • Sprains
  • Whiplash
  • Internal Injuries
  • Burns
  • Neck and Back Injuries
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Amputations
  • Paralysis
  • And more.

If you or someone you love has been seriously injured in a bus accident, you may only have a limited time to seek damages under the law. The Rochester, New York bus accident lawyers may be able to help. Contact the bus accident lawyers in Rochester, New York at Stanley Law Offices today.

What Can I Do After a Bus Accident in Rochester, New York?

There are several things you can do after a bus accident to protect your rights. A bus accident lawyer in Rochester, New York at the Stanley Law Offices can also help you. Here are some steps you can take:

  • Contact the Police. If you were in a bus accident, call the police. In the confusion of the crash, sometimes everyone expects someone else to do this, which can lead to delays in medical attention and help.
  • Seek Medical Attention. Seek medical attention for your injuries and follow up with your doctor. Some injuries may not be apparent right after an accident. It might be a good idea to get checked out even if you think you are okay.
  • Gather Evidence. If you are able to do so, take pictures of your injuries and the scene of the accident.
  • Contact a Bus Accident Lawyer. A bus accident lawyer in Rochester, New York may be able to help you seek compensation for your injuries. Contact the bus accident attorneys in Rochester, New York at the Stanley Law Offices today.

You have rights after a bus accident. The aftermath of a bus accident can be stressful and challenging for victims and families, but you don’t have to navigate the legal process alone. The Rochester, New York bus accident lawyers at Stanley Law Offices can focus on the legal side of things, so you can focus on healing.