Question: Hi Joe. Recently you made quite a move. Can you tell us a little bit about that?
Question: Hi Joe. Recently you made quite a move. Can you tell us a little bit about that?
Joe: We moved to a historic neighborhood in Syracuse. I’ve always been an advocate of old houses and restoring things. We’ve moved to the neighborhood of 215 Burnett. It’s very enjoyable. It was an experience that I’m sure those out there who have old houses and have done rebuilding can appreciate. That is something you should always, I understand, and I can say it now after living through it, when you have contractors and you have people come to do work make sure that they are reliable. Make sure the contracts are in writing and they specify what you want done because you never know what kind of trouble may arise. There can be lots of unknowns when you get into stuff like that. If you don’t have a contract in writing and you are really concerned, you should have a lawyer look into it. If it’s not in writing and things go wrong, it makes it very very difficult to resolve. The person who is obviously at risk the most is the homeowner and the person who hired the contractor. I can say that personally and I can say that to everyone out there.
If you have any more questions, call the Stanley Law Offices or browse our website. We will be there for you.