Author Archives: Joe Stanley

Claim Eligibility

Question: Joe, last week we spoke about denials and delays with Worker’s Compensation and Social Security..

Premises Liability

Question: This time of year Joe, there are special considerations, when you are a Central New..

Stanley Law – 90 sec

Joe, what inspired you to get into this business? Well Angela, your grandmother Pearl encouraged..

Stanley Law – Leave No Stone Unturned

Joe, we are sitting here at your offices at 215 Burnet Avenue in Syracuse. I..

Stanley Law – 30sec2

Joe, we are sitting here at your offices at 215 Burnet Avenue in Syracuse. I..

Stanley Law – 90sec2

Joe, what inspired you to get into this business? Well Angela, your grandmother Pearl encouraged..

Music for the Mission

Question: Joe, in order to do what you do every day, you have to have passion..

Insurance Company Influence

Question: Joe, last week, we spoke a little bit about big insurance companies. You talked about..

Construction Workers

Question: Joe, we’ve been talking about construction, distracted driving during the summer and the change of..

Individual’s Rights Upon Arrest

Question: Regardless of the circumstance Joe, when someone is arrested and there is a matter of..

Summer Driving

Question: Joe, its summer time in central New York. What should motorists be particularly careful of..

Estate Planning

Question: Joe, goodness forbids that something does happen to a family member or one of your..