Cyber bullying and bullying in schools is the biggest complaint I get calls from parents. Issues at schools tend to sway heavily these days to cyber bulling.
Once you send your kids to school, legally the school operates by the law called “loco parentis.” This is simply a fancy term for saying they’re responsible for the well-being of your child.
If things go wrong at school, you want to investigate what happened right away. Why did it happen? How can you present it from happening again? If something significant happens, you have to act right away. File a notice of claim within 90 days of the event.
Talk to a lawyer
At least talk to a lawyer and investigate the event immediately. This helps to protect both your child and your rights.
How do schools intervene in the case of cyber bullying?
The laws are clear on what schools are SUPPOSED to do. Whether they have the ability and the skills to do it, it’s doubtful that they do in many cases.
As a parent it’s a very difficult time. Back in the day when people did things in person to someone else, it was easy to figure out who was doing what, and how to control it. But the internet is a far more difficult place to regulate that behavior.
Here are some additional resources to consult:
I’m always able to take your email questions at

or call in to one of my radio interviews. I’m on weekly on several key stations in each of our office areas. We have offices in Syracuse, Watertown, Binghamton and Rochester, NY and in Montrose, PA.
Joe Stanley of Stanley Law and his team are advocates and educators for people. Helping give you a voice if and when you’re wrongfully injured, we seek compensation for the harm done to you. Our consultation is FREE and we only get paid if we help you win your case.
If you’re seriously injured in a car crash, on the job, on a construction site, slip and fall, or are the victim of a serious injury under any circumstance, we’re here for you.
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