Underinsured Coverage and Spousal Coverage “Joe knows”

An infographic, Because Joe knows

Question:  Someone told me that I should purchase underinsured and spousal coverage on my auto policy. Can you tell me about that?

Question:  Someone told me that I should purchase underinsured and spousal coverage on my auto policy. Can you tell me about that?

Joe:  Good question. We have talked about this in the past and those are two things that anybody who drives should consider and really should have.

Underinsured coverage means that you are buying insurance on people, who have minimum or no insurance coverage, who might hit and seriously injure you. What it means is that it gives you the opportunity to buy as much insurance on yourself as you do as if you hurt someone else. It is something you should look at and buy as much as you can reasonably afford. I’ve had some very serious cases recently in which people did not have this coverage and were stuck with the minimum liability limits in New York of $25,000.

The other, spousal coverage means that if your husband or wife is driving and they cause harm, you can make a claim against them. If you don’t have that coverage and you or your husband is at fault and you get seriously injured, you can sue him but there is no insurance coverage. So there is no point. So both of those coverage’s are important things to have if you can afford it.