We've listed the majority of case types we handle. Call us to discuss your case.
Can Employee be Terminated While on Workers’ Compensation?
Can an Employee be Terminated While on Workers’ Compensation? What happens if you are a..
A Guide to New York State Workers’ Compensation Laws
A Guide to New York State Workers’ Compensation Laws: Every day, workers become injured on..
Governors, Mayors, and Mandates
Governors, Mayors, and Mandates: Public Access Mask Mandates – Critical Public Health Issue at hand..
You Can Count On Us And Technology!
You Can Count On Us And Technology! Zoom has become a vitally useful tool –..
Summer Vacations: What To Know Before You Go
You’re not just planning for what you’re taking with you, but you’re also planning..
The Seven Biggest Mistakes Claimant’s Make
The Seven Biggest Mistakes Claimant’s Make by Attorney Robert Geyer, Stanley Law Offices and a..
Have You Been Denied Social Security Disability?
Have You Been Denied Social Security Disability? Social Security Disability Cases Take Assertiveness &..
Thinking of Bringing Fireworks Into NYS? Think Twice
Thinking of Bringing Fireworks Into NYS? Think Twice This week I was interviewed on a..
What To Do After A Hit-And-Run Car Crash
Being involved in a car crash can be stressful, especially if the other person involved..
Hiring A Casual Employee or Working As One?
What You Need To Know About Being A Casual Worker or Hiring One At Your..
Document Every Detail In A Personal Injury Case
Document Every Detail In A Personal Injury Case – Insurance doesn’t always take care of..
What is the Average Time to Settle a Personal Injury Case?
What is the Average Time to Settle a Personal Injury Case? When we meet with..