We've listed the majority of case types we handle. Call us to discuss your case.
It’s slippery out there!
It’s slippery out there! Slipping and falling. Even though we live in the northeast and..
What’s the Social Security disability taken out I’m seeing on my W2?
Social Security Withholdings on your W2 stubs Seeing withholdings for social security disability on your..
Are you being sexually harassed at work?
Are you being sexually harassed at work? On a radio interview this week a..
Who’s responsible for the smoke detectors and co2 detectors in your rental?
Terrible tragedy This past week there was a terrible tragedy in one of the markets..
When a product or drug goes wrong
If you’ve suffered a serious injury from a product or drug On one of the..
If you were victimized as a child many years ago, NYS lifts the statute of limitations
NYS Child Victim’s Act When Governor Cuomo, who’s expected to later this month, signs the Child..
Have you or someone you know been a victim of abuse? NYS Assembly has passed..
When the going gets tough…
The old saying There’s an old saying you might also be familiar with “When the..
The government shutdown affecting your social security disability case or your checks
The Government Shutdown It’s a tough time right now for a lot of folks. Many..
Who owns what you produce on the job?
Who owns what you create or produce on the job when you work for a..
Winter Storm rolling in – what to know before you go!
SNOW SNOW GO AWAY! If you live in the northeast, this time of year here’s..
Not a lot of legal changes for 2019
The Law Changes Change is a natural part of everything we experience. And the law..