Question: When there is a situation of no-fault or a car accident, whatever it might be, where someone is seriously injured, there is often a medical exam that the companies will call for to prove your condition or your injury or the extent of it. People don’t…

Joe: That’s a good question. I get this question all the time. They call them independent medical exams and they are really not. What they are for workers compensation, for social security disability, car crashes, construction accidents or almost any kind of scenario, they will send you to medical exams by doctors that they hire to evaluate you. 9 times out of 10, those doctors are professional witnesses for the insurance company. Their primary business is doing these medial exams. They are paid to give their opinions. You have to understand that when you go to these, you have to be prepared to know what tricks, what things are going to happen. How they are going to frame your answers and your exam from their point of view.
You can help clients with that in terms of preparing for that. Yes, you have to understand that this person is biased and not in your favor when you go for these exams.