Determining The Value of Your Personal Injury Case

stanley law webinar determining the value of case

FREE! LEGAL WEBINAR with the Team at Stanley Law

Vocational Expert, Karen Simone along with forensic economist Mike Vernarelli, join attorneys Joe Stanley and Paul Hofmann, along with moderator, Angela Moonan, to provide insight and answer your questions on how the value of your personal injury case is determined.

Discussion includes topics such as:

  • Employability of an injured person
  • Wage loss as a result of disability from an accident
  • Evaluation of need for future medical expenses and other equipment or therapies
  • Economists then take this information from a vocational expert and project costs into the future

Here’s a deeper look into part of what’s discussed during the webinar:

From a forensic economist’s viewpoint, the value of a personal injury case is determined by considering various economic factors. These include:
1. Lost Wages: Calculation of past and future lost earnings due to the injury.
2. Medical Expenses: Analysis of past and projected medical costs related to the injury.
3. Life Care Costs: Evaluation of long-term care needs and associated expenses.
4. Vocational Rehabilitation: If the injury affects future employment prospects or requires retraining.
5. Non-Economic Damages: Estimating the value of pain, suffering, and loss of life quality, which requires a nuanced economic approach.
These factors are analyzed using economic models, historical data, and projections to arrive at a comprehensive valuation.

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