Year round accidents happen all across America. But in Upstate NY in winter, you can bet the roads are even more dangerous and your probabilities increase out on the roadways. Add to the wintry roads the increasing number of distracted drivers, and you’ve got a recipe for disaster. There just seems to be more people NOT paying attention to what they’re doing when they’re driving and as a result, accidents happen. Unfortunately it results in other people getting hurt.
I always tell my kids because I’m paranoid – I always tell them to be safe because of what I do for a living and what I see can happen out there. Over the last ten years there’s an increase in distracted driving resulting in accidents.
It’s simply because of so many other things that take our attention away from driving… just normal everyday things and people are busy, and they do’t appreciate safety until it’s too late.
We’re always taught when we’re little to be safe. I remember when I was in school and the nuns used to always yell at me to remind be to be safe and pat attention! And if I didn’t, well, they’d crack me over the knees or knuckles or whatever! Adults don’t have those reminders these days.
Smart phones are such a distraction. Sometimes we spend to much time focused on the phones. And certainly when you’re driving is NO TIME to be worried about notifications and texts. It’s only so long if you’re texting and driving, before accidents can occur. Most smartphones these days allow you to put on a ‘Do Not Disturb’ notification to whoever is texting or calling you, letting them know you’re driving and will get back to them when you’ve arrived safely at your destination. Good advice for all of us!
Joe Stanley of the Team at Stanley Law is a personal injury attorney with

offices in Syracuse, Rochester, Watertown, Binghamton and Montrose, PA. If you or someone you love is hurt in a car crash, phone Joe because Joe Knows. 1-800-608-3333.