I am thinking about updating my homeowners insurance. So what you tell me about that?
Question: So Joe, there has been a lot of rain and flooding lately. I am thinking about updating my homeowners insurance. So what you tell me about that?
Joe: Well we have had some very interesting events in our area lately We’ve had floods, we’ve had earth quakes, we’ve had wind storms and those are things that are important to consider in your homeowner’s coverage. We will talk about water first. Flood insurance is covered by the government and if you are in a flood zone, you should have flood insurance. But people on their homeowners policies there is a water backup that you should have if your sump pump fails. You can buy the coverage up to $10,000 or maybe a little bit more. You should have it. It’s inexpensive. If you get any kind of water, you should consider that. Earth movement is the coverage for earth quakes. It doesn’t just limit it to earth quakes but surprisingly in our area you have had earth movement. Those are usually claims that if they happen are devastating. Your foundation can be destroyed. There can be significant property losses. Those are things you should consider and they are not that expensive.
If you have any more questions, call the Stanley Law Offices or browse our website. We will be there for you.