Every injury case is personal

Every injury case is personal


Your story matters. To us, it’s always personal.

Diane decided, finally to get help. Going it alone hadn’t paid off. Promises made by her insurance agent hadn’t been kept. Months of bills piled up. Her husband deserts her. She needs a personal injury lawyer. She’d been in a bad car accident on 81. An accident she didn’t see coming. No one ever does. The accident wasn’t her fault. And she feels like she’s lost everything. Her health, her husband, her happiness. She’d gotten low ball offers from the insurance companies. She couldn’t work! So she knew their offer couldn’t pay the bills. It wasn’t going to be enough cash to last. So she calls me – Joe Stanley. Joe Stanley has dedicated his life’s work to being an advocate for those hurt or abused.

The Stanley System

First we told her, you’re right. With this much at stake, you can’t go it alone. We reassured her she was in the right place. Then we got to work. We followed our five step system. We always follow the Stanley Law System. A system is something you can count on. When you have all the facts, you’ve done your research, examined all the evidence, interviewed the expert witnesses, you’re on your way to winning the case. If you’ve ever been on an airplane, that pilot and co-pilot go through a series of checklists to make sure they know they’re covered. They’re following the system. Same here. It’s how we know we’re doing our best to get the client the Maximum award possible.

Sometimes you have to deliver bad news.

Every call is a possible case. That’s the approach we take. Then we go through our system intake over the phone. We decide the case potential and if it has too many flaws – or whether it has a chance. I’ve taken a case here or there even if I thought we might not win against great odds, just because the client was so wronged and I knew what happened to them was so wrong. Every time a client comes in – broken – afraid – angry – it cuts to our core because we understand the heartbreak and hell that breaks loose when you’ve been in a bad car accident. I definitely know pain.

Suffering and pain

If you’ve ready any of my own personal stories, the t-bone accident I was in a couple of years ago is still ongoing. I suffer with physical pain every day. We only take cases we know we have a strong probability for winning. There’s a recipe of factors that determine that. It’s tough to deliver any bad news ever. Including that we might not be able to take someone’s case. They may feel they have a case. They may have been wrongly injured. But if we don’t believe it’ll stand up in court, we have to say no. It can be hard. Frustrating for everyone involved.

Diane followed every piece of advice we offered her: her independent medical examinations. Followed those directions to a ‘T.’ Stay off social media, check! Don’t talk to the insurance companies, check! Diane listened. She took our advice seriously. Diane was patient. She trusted us. It paid off.

Diane’s case was rock solid.

With Diane, her case was rock solid. She was truthful with us from the start. Diane followed every piece of advice we offered her: her independent medical examinations. Followed those directions to a ‘T.’ Stay off social media, check! Don’t talk to the insurance companies, check! Diane listened. She took our advice seriously. Diane was patient. She trusted us. It paid off. Life will never be the same for Diane or her family. That is damage that can never be fully repaired. But we can help her get back on her feet. And know she’s got the means to do it.

The Maximum Award

Getting in that car accident, Diane got a horrible deal. Sometimes the best people have to deal with the worst stuff. We rolled up our sleeves and stayed at it. We do for every case. For me you know – it’s always personal. Working together – we get Diane what she deserves – the MAXIMUM award. Always feels good.

Stanley Law Offices is a personal injury firm based in Syracuse, NY with offices also in Watertown, Binghamton, Rochester, and Montrose, PA. You can reach Joe anytime directly by emailing him at Joe@StanleyLawOffices.com. You can also call the office at 1-800-608-3333. Although we’re slowly re-opening the offices due to COVID-19, we’re all still working everyday regardless. Our phones are on, we get the mail everyday and we WILL take your call and hear your Story. Because your story matters.