Outdoor workers can suffer severely in high temperatures

stanley law offices outdoor workers workers compensation attorneys

Outdoor workers can suffer severely in high temperatures. In the hottest part of the year, outdoor workers and those who work in enclosed, poorly ventilated spaces can’t cool down.

It’s been a scorcher lately. While many have been itching to get outdoors, the heat creates a very real concern for workers who toil in hot environments. Hundreds of employees do not have the luxury of sitting in an air-conditioned office.

Workers in a factory are subjected to heat stress, as are people who have to work outdoors. The most vulnerable among us are people over the age of 65, those who suffer from obesity, or have pre-existing medical conditions like high blood pressure or heart ailments. These folks are especially susceptible to heat-related injuries.

The personal injury lawyers at Stanley Law worked with many people who’ve suffered from occupational illnesses like cramps, rashes, heat exhaustion, and fainting. Another is heat stroke, which can be deadly.

Workers who are enduring the heat

The Stanley Law Offices are proud to advocate for the working men and women who endure the heat to keep Central New York and Northeastern Pennsylvania moving. If you or a loved one has been inflicted with a heat-related illness while on the job, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits.

There are times when employers, contractors, or the owners of a premise know that workers are overheated. Instead, they put profits over people.

Other problems

There may be other consequences of boiling temperatures. They include workplace accidents that are caused when a worker’s hands become sweaty. The worker can have impaired vision when eye wear becomes foggy, and dizziness of workers when they succumb to the heat. Contacting hot surfaces can also result in burn injuries.

Heat stress can be compounded by protective gear employees are required to wear in the midst of COVID-19. Employers need to walk a tightrope in balancing the risks of exposing workers to the virus or exposing them to intolerable temperatures.

When the warm weather has put your employment status on ice, you can rely on Stanley Law for informed guidance.