Safety On A Construction Site

Your Expectation of Safety On A Construction Site

Stanley law workers compensation attorney and labor law lawyerConstruction Sites Are High Risk

Construction sites are one of the highest-risk areas for workplace injuries. Although New York has strict safety rules, when proper safety procedures aren’t in place, visitors and other bystanders can become injured. Our experienced construction site accident lawyers at The Stanley Law Offices have seen the physical, emotional and financial toll these types of injuries can take on victims and their families. Construction site injuries are often serious. So they may require ongoing medical treatment. Sometimes involving multiple surgeries, rehabilitation, physical therapy and home care. Whether you were injured on the job, as a subcontractor or as a visitor at a construction site, our skilled legal team is well-versed in the law. The Stanley System ensures that when we work together, we have the best chance to get your the MAXIMUM Award.  We understand how to navigate the system with insurance companies, investigate the facts of a case and determine  liability.

Construction Sites Have A Duty Of Care

Although you assume a certain level of risk when entering a construction site, landowners, contractors, and site safety managers have a duty of care to provide safe premises. This includes proper employee training, adequate protective gear and the necessary measures required to create sufficient safety. In New York, many construction sites are required to have a state-licensed safety manager or coordinator on site. Workers also have a responsibility to keep themselves and others safe by following safety regulations, performing their duties properly and avoiding horseplay that can cause injury. It’s important to report any unsafe conditions, damaged or malfunctioning equipment and other potential hazards to a supervisor or safety manager right away.

Common Causes Of Construction Site Injuries

Debris falling from above is one of the most common causes of injuries to construction site workers and visitors. If the barricades that are in place to keep pedestrians at a safe distance aren’t put in the right place, pedestrians may be hit by falling objects. Workers and visitors can also sustain construction site injuries from falling off ladders or scaffolding. Accidents happen when improper operation of heavy equipment & tools and defective machinery. It’s also easy to trip over loose materials on the ground or fall into ditches that are not properly marked. All workers and visitors should be required to wear hard hats and other necessary protective gear. The site safety manager must advise workers and visitors on how to take proper precautions. Clear warning signs need to be posted where appropriate.

Filing A Construction Site Accident Claim

Landowners, developers and contractors may all be liable for injuries that occur due to unsafe conditions or negligence on a construction site. However, proving negligence can be tough. An experienced construction site accident attorney understands the importance of proving duty of care, that the responsible parties breached that duty, and that the breach caused harm or injury.

Insurance companies usually try to offer quick settlements that don’t come close to covering a victim’s damages. Usually, they deny a valid claim altogether. That’s why it’s vital to have a construction site accident attorney by your side if you’ve been injured. Your legal team thoroughly investigates the incident and develops effective strategies to recover the maximum award from the insurance companies. If your injury was caused by defective equipment, tools or other machinery, your attorney may be able to pursue a third-party products liability lawsuit as well.

If You’re A Worker Hurt At A Construction Site

When you file a workers’ compensation claim, you’re typically not allowed to bring a personal injury claim against your employer. However, if your employer has not provided safe premises, adequate safety gear or proper training, they may be liable for damages. Regular maintenance and repair of tools and machinery are required. A worker’s compensation lawyer can assist you with your workers’ comp claim and determine whether or not it’s worth pursuing a separate personal injury claim.

Contact A Construction Site Accident Attorney

If you’ve been injured on a construction site and need assistance with a workers’ compensation or personal injury claim, our experienced construction site accident attorneys will fight for you. When we work together, you win. To schedule a free initial consultation at The Stanley Law Offices, contact us at 800-608-3333 or 800-372-3760. Se habla español.

Offices in Syracuse, Watertown, Binghamton, Rochester, and Montrose, PA. Labor Law (Construction) varies in different states including New York State Labor Law and Pennsylvania Labor Law. In addition, construction law changes constantly. Of all personal injury law, construction tends to change the most. Whatever you do, if you’re injured on a construction site, you’re not sure about workers’ compensation, or whether you have a personal injury case, don’t go it alone. Phone. Consultations are FREE and it’s worth the call.