What Does It Take To Win Workers’ Comp Case?

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Stanley law workers compensation attorney and labor law lawyerWorking Towards The MAXIMUM in your Workers’ Compensation Case

What Does It Take To Win Workers’ Comp Case? In theory, your workers’ compensation claim is supposed to be relatively straightforward. No one is supposed to “fight” you for the settlement you need and deserve. Indeed, the money doesn’t even come out of your employer’s pocket — they can simply turn to their insurance provider. For whatever reason, things aren’t always that simple. Often, employers and insurance companies will fight you tooth and nail in an effort to avoid handing over your settlement money. So how exactly do you “win” this battle?

Your first step should always be to get in touch with a qualified, experienced workers’ compensation attorney in New York. By working with the best workers’ comp attorney you can find, you can seriously increase your chances of a positive outcome. These legal professionals will make sure you walk away with the money you need to heal, recover, and live your life the best you can post-injury.

Report the Incident

One of the very first things you can do to ensure victory is to file a report with your employer as soon as possible after the injury. Your goal during these early moments is to make sure that your employer is aware of what happened. Include specific details about the injury, how the injury occurred, where the injury occurred, and when the injury occurred. Create a written report and keep copies, as this report may prove to be an important piece of evidence in the future.

Get the Medical Treatment You Need

Don’t hesitate to get the medical treatment you need following an injury. As long as you suffered a legitimate workplace injury, you will be compensated for your medical expenses. Although these costs may seem incredibly expensive at first, it’s important to remember that you will be reimbursed.

If you fail to seek medical attention, you may run into serious issues with your workers’ compensation claim. Without reliable medical records, how can you prove that your injuries were legitimate? You need to see a doctor who can document and treat your injuries. Otherwise, insurance companies may doubt whether the injuries ever actually occurred in the first place.

File an Appeal

You may encounter several roadblocks on your path to victory. One of the biggest potential obstacles is a denied claim. Don’t give up if your claim has been denied. With help from a qualified attorney, you can file an appeal and push back in an efficient manner. Your appeal may lead to a hearing, and you can take your case all the way up to the federal courts if necessary.

Get in Touch with a Qualified Attorney Today

If you’ve been searching the New York area for a qualified, experienced workers’ compensation attorney, look no further than The Stanley Law Offices, LLP. Over the years, we have helped numerous injured workers in the Empire State, and we know how to win workers’ compensation cases. With our assistance, you can strive for the best possible result and walk away with a fair, adequate settlement. Book your consultation today to learn more about your legal options.


The Stanley Law Offices, LLP

215 Burnet Ave. Syracuse, NY 13203

Offices also in Watertown, Binghamton, Rochester, Oneonta, and Montrose PA

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