Personal Injury Blogs by Joe Stanley

“Contact cancelled with a Contractor”

Q:  “After signing a contract with a contractor to remodel her kitchen, my daughter’s decided..

“Joe, how does the system really work?”

If you’re hurt, you get in a car crash, you’re seriously injured on a construction..

“What’s a focus group all about?”

People are curious about the purpose of focus groups and how they work.  As a..

“Do I have to go to court?”

As a personaly injury lawyer I get asked “Do I have to go to court?” ..

“Have you been involved in a multiple vehicle accident?”

Whether you’re involved in a multiple vehicle accident, car crash, truck, train, or bus, no..

“Do you need underinsured motorist coverage?”

Absolutely positively YES! you need uninsured/under-insured motorist coverage! You own a car, there’s one coverage..

“My word against the police officer’s word”

Question: I was recently pulled over by a police officer for going through a red..

“I’m divorcing, what are my rights with health insurance?”

Question:  My husband and I are planning to divorce.  He carries the medical insurance through..

Property Rights

Question:  My mother passed away 18 years ago and my father’s had a companion for..

“I’ve fallen and I want to sue”

Question:  “Joe, I recently injured my wrist and knee after tripping on a hazardous walkway..

“What’s the difference between sole & joint custody?”

Question: “What’s the difference between sole custody and joint custody?” Joe Knows the Answer:  Sole..

“Wrongly fired after pregnancy”

Question: “My wife and I had a child. She had Dr’s excuses which allowed her..