Question: Joe, its that favorite time of year. All the white stuff outside, it’s Central New York’s winter. Lots of fun snow sports, snowboarding, skiing, fishing and snowmobiling. A lot of fun but…
Question: Joe, its that favorite time of year. All the white stuff outside, it’s Central New York’s winter. Lots of fun snow sports, snowboarding, skiing, fishing and snowmobiling. A lot of fun but…
Joe: True, but you have to be safe, be careful and pay attention to what you’re doing as with most things. Winter sports really aren’t different than summer, spring, and fall sports. Pay attention, be careful and have the right equipment. As far as the law goes, you are engaging in these sports like snowboarding, skiing, even ice-skating and things like that. The law doesn’t look favorably at those kinds of sports that if you are hurt, unless there’s something very unusual about how you got hurt, you assume the risks that are there inherent in these sports. So that just gives you an extra impetus to pay attention and be careful. You want to be safe for yourself and others because you do not want to get in a situation where you can get seriously hurt. That is never a good thing.
Whether it’s snow sports in winter or dealing with Syracuse golf cart accidents in the summer, staying vigilant and prioritizing safety is key. At Stanley Law Offices, we understand the complexities of injury cases across all seasons and activities. If you find yourself in an unfortunate situation, don’t hesitate to reach out for professional legal guidance.