Question: Joe, its one of those things you take for granted that you’ll know what to do when it happens but so many times, people don’t. In fact, there was a recent bad accident on 81 regarding this. What happens when your car breaks down, has a flat tire and you…
Question: Joe, its one of those things you take for granted that you’ll know what to do when it happens but so many times, people don’t. In fact, there was a recent bad accident on 81 regarding this. What happens when your car breaks down, has a flat tire and you are in the middle of a highway, whether it’s winter for not, what do you do?
Joe: Well, again, in emergencies sometimes we are not thinking properly. We’ve all been there. You want to get off the road. You want to get as far off the road as you can. If your car can’t get off the road then you should get off the road. If you have any flashers or flares, you want to put your flashers on and get off the road. If you can push your car off the road, get your car off the road. If you doing a flat tire make sure you have flashers or flares and get as far off the road. I’ve handled bad cases with people working on the side of the road and people coming along aren’t looking. It’s a terrible situation because your primary concern is your own safely, not the safety of your car.