Motorcycle Accidents Almost Always Tragic

Motorcycle accidents almost always involve horrific injuries

Motorcycle accidents almost always tragic

Motorcycle accidents far too often end in tragedy.

Motorcycle accidents can and often do involve horrific injuries. Looking back over the years some of the worst injuries we’ve ever dealt with involved motorcycles. There’s no doubt that motorcyclists are at greater risk for severe injuries in an accident than motorists. Reduced visibility of people on motorcycles also contributes to mishaps. If an accident occurs, knowing how to respond is essential to ensure the best outcome. As with any accident, the best advice is prevention. A motorcycle accident attorney can also offer necessary guidance and tips to assist clients and their families if an accident occurs.

First Things to Do

The most critical concern is the safety of everyone involved immediately after the accident. Getting everyone out of the road and away from moving vehicles should be the first priority. Other potential safety issues from motorcycle accidents include leaking fuel, fire, and any structures or vehicles collapsing. While moving to safety, people must also stay aware of terrain dangers around the road, such as drop-offs.

Calling for Help
Call 911 to get assistance for anyone injured in the crash. Injuries are likely for anyone involved in a motorcycle crash, although sometimes issues are not immediately apparent. For the best outcome, a motorcycle accident attorney usually recommends seeking medical attention for everyone involved. Leg fractures are among the most common issue. People can also sustain injuries to the midsection, including organ damage and internal bleeding from the force of the impact. Some of these issues may be life-threatening.

Call the Police
A call to 911 alerts the police about the crash. If the impact was very minor and 911 isn’t necessary, people should still call the police. The police can help with traffic around the area and record all details. Never admit fault. A motorcycle accident attorney will assist later with handling this aspect of a crash.

For me every case, your case, is personal. Always. – Joe Stanley

Remain on the Scene
Getting information is crucial after an accident. Every person involved must provide contact information and insurance details. Many people also take their own photos of the crash scene to record evidence. Cell phones of course are ideal for this. Photos are important evidence. People must always be careful taking photos to avoid danger in and around roadways. For example with our clients at Stanley Law, we have them download the Stanley Law Accident App. Here it is for iPhone and for Android. It’s good to have for lots of reasons. And it can help walk you through what to do on the scene so you don’t forget something.

Making Follow-up Calls
Speak with a motorcycle accident attorney before calling an insurance company. A lawyer will provide valuable assistance to help with the insurance adjusters. The insurance agent will need all details provided to the police. Some answers may need to wait until after treatment from a doctor.

Consult a lawyer as soon as possible to receive guidance that protects rights and prevents further damage.

Stanley Law Offices is dedicated to motorcycle crash victims as a personal injury law firm based in Syracuse, NY with offices also in Binghamton, Watertown, Rochester, Oneonta, and Montrose, PA. You never know what’s just around the corner. If you or a loved one has been involved in a motorcycle accident, you want a team of dedicated attorneys on your side every step of the way. Don’t settle with the insurance companies and make sure you know all your rights. Make the first call to our office and we’ll give you straight answers on the potential of your case. 1-800-608-3333. You can also contact us through our website here. For me every case, your case, is personal. Always. Reach me directly at There for you.


Resource:  Motorcycle Safety and Preventative Measures