Beware of the porch pirates this holiday season as many folks will be having packages delivered to their doorsteps.
Delivery to your doorstep is certainly more and more common. This time of year especially when gift giving is the biggest, it’s likely you’re ordering holiday gifts online and that you’ll have more than your usual delivery to your doorstep. You need to be mindful that others know this too … therefore the porch pirates are likely to engage more frequently during this time of year.
If you do have your porch pirated and packages are stolen,
if you have video surveillance of course, turn that over to the police, along with a police report. There are lots of options out there for simple video surveillance equipment that helps protect your home and items. Whoever stole your packages is likely doing it to more than just you. Other people are having the same thing happen to them at their homes in your neighborhood.
The merchant who you ordered your items from has an obligation to make sure your packages are put in a safe place.
You should definitely report any item as stolen and let the deliverer know it was stolen and that you didn’t receive it properly. The big retailers will honor that and send you another item, especially if you can prove the item was taken.
Joe Stanley of the Team at Stanley Law is a personal injury attorney and

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