Category Archives: Cuz Joe Knows

How is a personal injury lawyer retained and paid?

How is a personal injury attorney is retained and paid? A personal injury lawyer is..

How Are Personal Injury Lawyers Paid?

What’s A Question the Firm Gets A Lot? People always ask ‘How do lawyers get..

Joe Knows SNOW!

Well we’re finally going to see some ‘winter’ in Upstate NY. We’re going to talk..

Joe Knows Medicare

It’s Medicare Sign Up Time! Many may be seeing that it is Medicare sign up..

Wintery Road Conditions

Wintery Road Conditions: It’s pretty white out there! It’s that time of the year Central..

Extra Caution With School Buses

Watch For All School Buses And Crosswalks “Driving is a full-time job” People need to..

Negotiating More For Your Personal Injury Case Settlement

Negotiating More For Your Personal Injury Case Settlement Negotiating for a settlement is one of..

Summer Traffic Hazards

Summer Traffic Hazards As we head down the highway, sometimes you’re behind a vehicle that..

What’s The Statute of Limitations in Upstate New York?

The statute of limitations is a crucial consideration when approaching a personal injury lawsuit in..

Air Travel and Protecting Yourself

Planning a trip and using air travel also means protecting yourself for the unforeseen. Canceled..

Tricky and Expensive Situations with Medical Bills

Medical Bills can pile up fast! Here’s some of Joe’s recent radio segment from “Joe..

Motorcycles and ATV’s – is there a difference when you’re injured?

This week on Joe’s recent radio segment from “Joe Knows”: Motorcycles… Is there a difference..