Working In The Construction Industry Can Be Risky Business

workers compensation

Are You a Construction Worker, or Do You Know Someone Who Is?

Working in the construction industry can be risky business. Construction work involves numerous risks. Working at elevated heights can lead to falls and severe, sometimes fatal, injuries. Workers underground or near heavy machinery face dangers from unstable ground or defective equipment. Despite these hazards, many individuals still risk their health and lives to complete their jobs.

Furthermore, understanding their rights can be challenging when accidents occur on construction sites and workers get hurt. The construction and labor laws in New York State are complex. Fortunately, workers’ compensation lawyers in Syracuse, NY, can help injured construction workers understand the laws that protect them and recover compensation.

Stanley Law: Helping Injured Construction Workers Understand Their Right to Compensation

New York State’s construction and labor laws can be confusing, and Pennsylvania’s laws differ from New York’s. Injured construction workers should be aware of the benefits and damages they may be entitled to receive. In New York State, workers injured in construction site accidents may obtain benefits by:
– Filing a workers’ compensation claim.
– Filing a lawsuit against a job site owner, general contractor, or third party.

Types of Workers’ Compensation Benefits for Injured Workers

Most injured construction workers are eligible to receive medical and wage replacement benefits. Employees who visit an approved doctor can have their medical expenses covered.

Because of this, it’s important to remember that if an employee is absent for more than seven days due to a physician-confirmed injury that prevents them from working, the company will pay them a portion of their regular wages for a specific period. Nonetheless, some injured construction workers may encounter challenges in accessing workers’ compensation benefits despite these benefits. These challenges can stem from employer resistance or misinformation about their eligibility.

In such cases, it’s crucial to consult with a workers’ compensation attorney in Syracuse, NY, to ensure the accuracy of the information provided. Construction workers may have the option to seek compensation by filing a personal injury lawsuit against a job site owner or general contractor if they were negligent and caused the accident. In particular, if an employer fails to warn workers of potential hazards and allows work to proceed, they could be held financially liable for any resulting accidents.

Stanley Law: Helping Injured Workers Recover the Compensation They Deserve

Because construction work can be risky business, take the proper safety precautions. If an injured construction worker in Syracuse struggles to understand their benefits or legal rights, Stanley Law Offices is here to help. Stanley Law offers free consultations, allowing injured workers to share confidential details about their potential cases and injuries.
Contact Stanley Law Offices today to get the help you need. 1-800-608-3333