Have you or someone you know been a victim of abuse?
NYS Assembly has passed a NEW LAW regarding abuse cases. We believe the Governor is going to sign it this month. It’s called the Revival Statute for the Child Victim’s Act. If you’ve been a victim of abuse, but perhaps the abuse occurred long ago, it doesn’t mean you have to come forward now, but you should know your rights.
In the past
In the past there was a statute of limitations on any abuse case. For the next year and the next year ONLY, all statutes have been lifted. That means you could be in your 40s, even 50s, like the person I’ve just helped in a similar case, and the abuse happened years ago, you now have a claim and can take that person to court to hold them accountable for what they did to you. Again, it doesn’t mean you must, that’s your choice. But if you now wish to come forward you can, no matter how long ago it happened. BUT ONLY FOR A LIMITED TIME. You need to act fast.
I’ve helped many people with claims that had expired under the old law. We were waiting to see if the law was going to change to see if my client actually had rights in court, and they do. If this has happened to you and you wish to come forward, you need to talk to a lawyer. We do this kind of work. It’s important to us to help you know your rights and advocate on your behalf and give you a voice with your case. You should investigate and find out what you can do. And we can help. Please contact us to learn about your options as the time to file a claim is limited. We only represent abuse survivors, not any church, organization, association, and not institution who enabled abuse.
MeToo Movement
There’s a lot of discussion, positive and negative about the recent #MeTooMovement. Regardless of what side you fall on, certainly any reasonable, compassionate human being wants to see legitimate abusers held accountable. For some of these crimes, it simply takes a very long time for it to come out for many reasons. And even longer for people sometimes to believe those abused. When a child survives abuse by someone in a position of trust and authority, the resulting harm and damage can last through your whole life. The Team at Stanley Law can help survivors of childhood sexual abuse, and we understand that many child abuse survivors do not realize they’re suffering until much later in life.
A Good Thing
The new law is a good thing. It’s the right thing. You don’t have to do anything, but if you do, you have to know all your rights, you need a good attorney, and you have to act quickly. If you’re an adult survivor of childhood abuse, you may just now be in the process of starting to understand how the abuse has affected your life. You may have also recently learned that someone you trusted failed to protect you and allowed the abuse to occur. Sadly, you’re not alone and you don’t have to go it alone now.
We understand, we’re here to listen, and we’re here to help give you the advocacy you deserve. We’ll help you understand your legal options and do all we can to support you’re seeking in pursuing your claim against the abuser. Please contact us today for a free, confidential consultation.

Joe Stanley and the Team at Stanley Law Offices are advocates for you and for the rights of all of us. Stanley Law Offices handles cases of abuse and can help you hold your abuser(s) accountable for their actions, regardless of how long ago it was. Please contact us immediately if you wish to come forward with your story as we have a short window of time to help. You can email Joe Stanley directly at Joe@StanleyLawOffices.com. We have offices all across Upstate and Central NY including Syracuse, Watertown, Binghamton, Rochester, and Montrose, PA. We can come to you. Contact us at 1-800-608-3333. We’ll be THERE FOR YOU.
If you need help or know someone who does, you can contact several agencies to give you immediate assistance as well. Here’s a list you need to know and will also give you insight on what to look for as warning signs of abuse:
Department of Health & Human Services
American Society for the Positive Care of Children